Thousands of angry Italians congregated to demand media reform in their country today, led by anti-political comedian Beppe Grillo.
The rally participants christened their protest "V-day." Not "v" as in "Valentine," or the kind of thing Eve Ensler talks about all the time, but as in "Vaffanculo!" I will not tell you what that means because this is a class blog, not a slam book of slurs and cusses, but if you're dying to know, Reuters explains it here.
Grillo ranted and raved to a crowd of at least 45,000 supporters against Berlusconi's media monopolization, comparing Berlusconi's ownership to a hypothetical Barack Obama owning Fox, ABC, and other television networks. Berlusconi owns Mediaset and exerts a good deal of control over RAI, the Italian national network, "indirectly controlling" up to ninety percent of Italian television audiences.
Grillo ranted and raved to a crowd of at least 45,000 supporters against Berlusconi's media monopolization, comparing Berlusconi's ownership to a hypothetical Barack Obama owning Fox, ABC, and other television networks. Berlusconi owns Mediaset and exerts a good deal of control over RAI, the Italian national network, "indirectly controlling" up to ninety percent of Italian television audiences.
Berlusconi claims there's no real conflict of interest and that the leftwing media attacks him regularly, poor guy.
Blogger-comedian Grillo devised a petition to revoke the Gasparri law, a form of extreme media deregulation that limited competition and enabled Berlusconi's Mediaset to expand digitally.
While he brings up a lot of legitimate points, it seems Grillo's a tad off on the Obama comparison. If Berlusconi is complaining about being attacked by liberal media personnel, I think a better analogy would be "Rupert Murdoch running every network as well as the country." Thank Heaven he wasn't born in America, otherwise we might have a media mogul running for president.
I think a good alternative for the Italian people would be to quit watching TV and just YouTube everything. Screw political discourse--do you really think Berlusconi's networks will bring the Italian people anything like that Numa Numa guy?
*By Jessica Sager, who speaks fluent "Fritalian."
1 comment:
There has been surprisingly little coverage of V2 Day in the English-speaking news media. Are they controlled by Berlusconi too? (or just by Berlusconi sympathisers?)
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