Most of the print and broadcast media in Italy is owned by its former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. He, indeed, is the richest man of the country because he collects revenues from each and every medium. Berlusconi is the owner of three national TV networks, an advertising company, Italy’s largest media-buying firm, the country’s largest publishing house and second-biggest news magazine, a major newspaper, a film studio, a movie-distribution company and a host of Internet-related ventures. It is amazing how a single person can create such a monopoly in the country’s media system.
In addition, to all the power he is receiving because of his wealth and ex-political authority, he is winning over the Italian population. According to an article in the Columbia Journalism Review, his three T.V. networks and three state channels are brain-washing Italian citizens to believe he was the greatest leader to ever exist. It was studied that people who watched his television channels were more inclined to vote for him during Italy’s elections. This means that by Berlusconi mastering the media, he is shaping political affairs.
But do NOT get discouraged Italians! The present Prime Minister Romano Prodi is fighting to end Berlusconi’s hegemony over the country’s media with the help of famous industrialist, Rupert Murdoch. Prodi wants to bring more competition in diverse mediums to destabilize Berlusconi’s profits and heavy influence over Italian people.
An interesting article that I found related to Berlusconi’s media power is cjrarchives.org/issues/2006/5/Stille.asp
Also if you want to check out an example of a newspaper owned by Berlusconi, go to http://lastampa.it/redazione/default.asp
In addition, to all the power he is receiving because of his wealth and ex-political authority, he is winning over the Italian population. According to an article in the Columbia Journalism Review, his three T.V. networks and three state channels are brain-washing Italian citizens to believe he was the greatest leader to ever exist. It was studied that people who watched his television channels were more inclined to vote for him during Italy’s elections. This means that by Berlusconi mastering the media, he is shaping political affairs.
But do NOT get discouraged Italians! The present Prime Minister Romano Prodi is fighting to end Berlusconi’s hegemony over the country’s media with the help of famous industrialist, Rupert Murdoch. Prodi wants to bring more competition in diverse mediums to destabilize Berlusconi’s profits and heavy influence over Italian people.
An interesting article that I found related to Berlusconi’s media power is cjrarchives.org/issues/2006/5/Stille.asp
Also if you want to check out an example of a newspaper owned by Berlusconi, go to http://lastampa.it/redazione/default.asp
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