1. ranks 30th on the Reporters Without Borders, Worldwide Press Freedom Index for 2007.
(18 places above the U.S.)
2. received a score of one in the political rights score and a two in the civil liberties score from Freedom House. ( the U.S. received a one in both, yet it still ranks higher)
3. has public debt, inflation, and unemployment rates above the euro-zone average.
(weird, huh?)
4. it's slightly smaller than Alabama in size.
5. it's largest revenue is from tourism, not agriculture.
It is also interesting to note that though the media freedom rankings stand firm, many have been recently accusing Greece of having unbalanced free media, since just a few months ago, when Greece lit the Olympic Torch in Athens, many journalists were blocked from entering the Acropolis. Reporters were outraged and accused Greece of "aligning with totalitarian China." Since the lighting on March 24, a petition has been started and already has been signed by at least fifty members of the Greek leftist group and plans to rally against media censorship are also in the works.
By: Lauren Ricca
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