Cuba is a communist country who has a very strict media system that prohibits any news publications that talk on government or social issues and especially any information that goes against any public officials. Despite the Cuban government having a strict ruling hand on the news coverage that permeates the island, the Cuban population has a very high literacy rate, which is suprising when it comes to Communist countries. Over the past couple of years there has been more freedom in the media although the government still dictates what is said about the government and what is not said about the government. Cuba is also ranked by Reporters without Borders as the second highest country behind China for having the most journalists being imprisoned. Although technology in Cuba is highly advanced the media and news coverage on the island is impaired because of the Communist government that rules the country and dictates the media.
I'm a Filipino and I'm interested in learning about Cuban Media System. This helped me a lot. Thank you!
I'm a Filipino and I'm interested in learning about Cuban Media System. This helped me a lot. Thank you!
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