Nigerian media system has been labeled as partly free by freedomhouse.org and ranked at 131 for media freedom by reporterswitoutborders.org.
Journalist in Nigeria face alot of opposition when it comes to investigative journalism because their media is government owned. However their are many privately owned media outlets that try to give balanced and objective coverage of the news.
Even thought many of the journalist face consequences for what they cover in the media , journalist continue to go against the corrupt government powers and try to be objective in their coverage. Many journalist have been killed arrested and beaten throughout country because of their opposition toward the government. Still they do not give up the fight to have their media eventually be free
It is sad to know that even with the fact that the Nigerian press is supposed to be free, there are still restrictions placed on them by the government. The brutality of journalists is alarming as some have sustained serious injuries and some even died in the process. I think it is high time the government realize that when they say the press is free, they should stick to their word, else they can publicly declare that we do not operate a free press in Nigeria and I hope that doesn’t happen.
Nigerian government should let the Nigerian press have the freedom they deserve, journalist shouldn't be punished for doing their job.
Nigerian government should let the Nigerian press have the freedom they deserve, journalist shouldn't be punished for doing their job. OLAMIDE ADEBANJO CALEB UNIVERSITY IMOTA LAGOS
The Nigerian media system is said to be free but its not absolutely free. i think it should be actually have total freedom so that journalist are not afraid of saying the truth in matters. With press freedom in the country i think a lot of issues would be addressed and stopped, because nothing would be hidden from the public anymore.
According to the 1999 constitution of the country that every journalists has the freedom of expression, to hold opinions, seek and impact ideas without any interference. In the case of Nigeria, journalists partly enjoys press freedom. A very good example of this is the Journalist that was bitten by a governor, every journalist should be able to enjoy press freedom without his life being threatened. That is why it’s so difficult for journalists to right a well investigative story because they feel it is going to be a risky job to do.
It is so sad that in Nigeria, when the government passes any law that has to do with the media, they do not act on it. The media has been neglected long time when it first came to be. freedom of the press means total freedom in sourcing for news and disseminating of news. The government is now a barrier to the media. when one looks at the issues in Nigeria, you will notice that the government do not work hand in hand with the media rather they fight them and by doing that they put the public in danger. They should no longer pass any law on press freedom but act on the once they passed years back. Example 1999 constitution.
Alaine Elizabeth(Caleb University, Imota,Lagos).
The current position of the Nigerian media is quite encouraging in the sense that Nigerian journalists are known for their fight for freedom of the press in the country. The brutality faced by journalists have become a daily job for some hungry vampires who call themselves political figures or leaders. I pity those journalists who have sold their precious integrity to brown envelopes but i am still amazed by the stance some have taken towards upholding their moral beliefs as journalists. Laws cannot stop the press from doing it's duty, they are like the descendants of Abraham that can never be wiped away, they will continue to grow in strength and importance.
Nkpubre Peace
Caleb University Lagos
Nigerian journalists in the past have faced terrible consequences when reporting sensitive material. There is freedom of the press in Nigeria but yet journalist especially investigative journalists have had their lives and the lives of their family threatened. It is very encouraging that journalist have never given up on the fight for press freedom. I pray a day comes in this nation when there is total press freedom and the government doesn't have a hand in what the media reports.A time in which media practitioners are allowed to carry out the responsibility of providing the public with truthful, honest and well researched information and news.
Bello Osariemen (Caleb University Imota Lagos) The Nigeria press are meant to operate freely in Nigeria that is if the government allows them to do their job.Most media houses are owned by the government, even the ones owned by private individuals,are also influenced by government officials.
Media in Nigeria are owned by government ad this will not make journalists say their minds because the government owned media will restrict such information from going out for people to know. so freedom of the press should not face harassment so journalists should not face any consequences for what they cover in the media.
Aramide Adebayo H (Caleb University Imota, Lagos)
Nigerian journalists face a lot of opposition and this is not fair because they can't express their mind in writing and this is because the government is in charge and this is not supposed to be so there should be freedom to write and publish what you want.
nigerian government does not stick to their word which is really wrong, when they say freedom of the press, it should be absolute freedom.
Nigerian government should endeavour to give the press freedom. the government should always stick to their words and they should always give the journalists their support. the brutality pf journalists in this country is unbecoming. thank God for some journalists who still have their pride in them unlike those that have sold their pride out all because of money.
Press freedom and Nigeria? those words don't even relate! It is as though the opposite of whatever law is being brought up is carried out. A lot of innocent lives have been lost because some shady leaders don't want their dirty linen in public. I think we have come to an era in this country where press freedom should mean press freedom and not some excuse from what it really should be.
Oluwaseun Durojaiye(Cale University, Imota, Lagos)
The government should allow journalists carry out press freedom in total fairness, by allowing them have access to information that would help in whatever research theu indulge in. , when they say freedom of the press, it should be absolute freedom.
Laura Barr( Caleb University, Imota, Lagos)
it is sad to know that journalist are treated without respect. Without the journalist, there is no news so i think that journalist should be taken serious and treat them with care instead of the maltreatment that is been done to them. It is inhuman to take someones life so i think the killing and beateing up of journalist shouldnt be so. ANNA PHILIP ( CALEB UNIVERSITY, IMOTA, LAGOS)
The issue of press freedom is still very questionable in Nigeria and this is not a good development. A journalist was beaten up at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital for taking photographs of victims of the Dana air crash last year. Why should situations like this still be occuring. Communication is life and the media serves the world this function so why should they be beaten up? Sometimes journalists are assasinated, detained and assaulted even walked out of events which should not be. The press deserves absolute freedom and this should not be a problem.
Its really disappointing that even though the Nigeria press supposed to be a free press, the government still put restriction laws and apart from the laws journalists are persecuted for writing the truth. The government should really let the press be free. SANDRA UDEH, CALEB UNIVERSITY.
The press should have access to information, because they have the right to freedom of information, the government should not deny them this freedom. But the government can stand as an opposition to the Press if they want to disseminate factual information that isnt in thier favour thus, acting as a major threat to journalists when they want to carry out their objective duties which shouldnt be so. AKANDE TITILAYO CALEB UNIVERSITY
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