The New York Times reports, "Almost a week after Cyclone Nargis inundated Myanmar’s densely settled coast, wiped out villages and left untold tens of thousands dead and hundreds of thousands homeless, the first two United Nations flights carrying relief supplies arrived in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, on Thursday. One carried seven tons of high-energy biscuits, while the other contained a larger load of humanitarian supplies.
"Yet emergency supplies on that scale seemed woefully disproportionate to the needs of the survivors, if the scope of the disaster is as extensive as the United Nations and most international aid groups believe.
"And because of logistical delays heightened by the storm damage, even the trickle of aid that has arrived is not expected to reach victims until Friday at the earliest.
"Aid officials and health experts warned that the slow response could lead to outbreaks of diseases like cholera and malaria, adding substantially to the death toll. And a prolonged delay could spread malnutrition and starvation across the vast area affected."
From Al Jazeera, "“'Currently Myanmar has prioritized receiving emergency relief provisions and is making strenuous efforts to transport those provisions without delay by its own labors to the affected areas,' the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 'As such, Myanmar is not ready to receive search-and-rescue teams as well as media teams from foreign countries.'”
The death count could rise to 100,000 soon, according to reports, if the government doesn't accept relief soon. What Myanmar is doing is deplorable -- putting petty governmental differences over the lives of the 1.5 million citizens affected by Cyclone Nargis. They don't have the manpower to spread aid across the entire nation, but they're living in denial. In an effort to prove the power of their military junta, and their desire to keep media out, they've done more harm than they could have imagined. They are effectively responsible for the hundreds of thousands of deaths in the coming weeks.
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