Monday, April 21, 2008

Georgia-Russia Tension Escalates

MOSCOW —Georgia accused Russia on Monday of violating its airspace and using a MiG fighter jet to shoot down an unmanned Georgian reconnaissance drone over the separatist territory of Abkhazia on Sunday.

Russia’s Air Force denied the Georgian claim, saying that none of its military planes flew in or near southwestern Russia on Sunday and that its pilots were not working that day.
But Georgia released what is said was the video recording of the final live feed received from the unarmed reconnaissance aircraft before it was struck by an air-to-air missile and crashed at 9:55 a.m. Sunday.
Buoyed with what it called clear evidence, Georgia countered with a diplomatic and public relations offensive. President Mikheil Saakashvili appeared on national television and said he had spoken with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and demanded an end to what he called “unprovoked aggression against the sovereign territory of Georgia.”

the rest of this story is on

I was wondering about what side you guys would take? I believe Georgia has Russia caught. They have the live feed and they were unarmed. I could see if they had a bunch of weapons aboard the plane but they were just crossing the lines and had no reason to be shot down. I think that President Putin is a fraud and just because he has governmental power, he is able to get away with literally murder. It's almost like our President getting way with everything he is doing now because of who he is.

This is Tom Byrne "Too TaLL"

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