Saturday, April 26, 2008

Olympics Protests in Japan

It seems like everywhere the Olympic torch goes these days there are protesters there to greet it. The torch landed itself in Japan on Saturday, April 26 to a familiar scene, more protests! The runner was accompanied by 100 riot police, six patrol cars, and two motorcycles. Two men were arrested after trying to charge the torch, and another man apprehended after throwing eggs at the torch. After Japan, the Olympic torch will be heading to South Korea, North Korea, Vietnam, and then to Hong Kong.

For the NY time article and more information on this issue click here.

In my opinion, I think the Olympics should be separate from all the political troubles of China and Tibet. The Olympics represent international unity above all else, and by these protests of the Olympics, the world is missing out on the peace and unity that the Olympics uniquely brings. I understand why they are protesting, but in my opinion, the Olympics should be enjoyed by every country and separate from one country’s “beef” with another country.

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