Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kim Jong ILL: Nukes and North Korea

Kim Jong Il: Wanted for being awesome. (Image courtesy of

In news that would have the Team America: World Police officers in a frenzy, the United States revealed that North Korea assisted Syria's secret nuclear weapons program and that the reactor that Israel destroyed was "not for peaceful purposes."

Seriously people, let's think back a little. Hell, we don't even have to--the Associated Press did for us. Since December 2002, we've had reason to believe North Korea was up to no nuclear good when they tried kicking U.N. inspectors out of the country, then in January 2003 when they withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, then in July 2006 when it launched missiles into the Sea of Japan and in October of that same year, when they admitted to conducting their first nuclear test.

Can someone explain to me why we invaded Iraq for maybe having nukes (then taking it back and saying we wanted to liberate their people) when North Korea has made it clear since well before March 20, 2003 that they actually have the materials and the drive to produce chemical weapons?

John McCain's closed fist shows the kind of foreign policy he favors. (Image courtesy of Reuters.)

Meanwhile, Reuters reports that McCain is subtly attacking Obama's stance on North Korea and other foreign policy, saying that unconditional talks with dictators like Kim Jong-Il won't really help U.S. foreign diplomacy. But since when do we care about diplomacy anyway? Take a look at Iraq. They didn't even have weapons materials, and yet we gave up diplomatic efforts in favor of what was supposed to be a quick, easy war in spite of U.N. opposition. And look how far that's taken us!

Oh, wait...

*By Jessica Sager, who promises she will never die.

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