Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Quoting Victims = Creating a Bias?

The BBC article is defined by anger, pain, and vengeance. When Israeli troops had attacked two Hamas members who were carrying heavy bags, a mother and her four children were having breakfast in their nearby home. The Israeli attack ignited the bags’ contents, apparently filled with explosives, causing the house to which the men were near, to explode, killing the woman and her four children.

The husband of the mother said, “I hope to God that the same thing that happened to me happens to whoever fired that missile at my house, that what happened to my wife and children happens to his family."

This article has a deep impact on the reader because it shows that even while a family may innocently have breakfast one morning, they may still be in tremendous danger of losing their lives. Though the writer of the article does not voice his own opinion, the quotes he used definitely sway the reader to sympathize with the Palestinians.

Since the author of this article is using information that is loaded with emotions, it appears as if the author is trying to persuade his readership of sympathizing with the suffering man. Even though losing a family is a terrible thing to happen to anyone, the article made me wonder if the author of the article is biased towards the Palestinians and hoping to sway his readers. If this is the case, then his article has been framed.

Although it makes sense to report on the terrible tragedies that occur in the Gaza Strip every day to make people around the world understand what it is, or must best be, like to experience war, the article perfectly fits into the discussion on journalists and framing.

Journalists are supposed to report onlythe facts? Or are journalists allowed to state their opinions or subtly submit their opinions by portraying a situation in a certain way that agrees with their beliefs? Should the writer of the article mention a similar tragedy from the Israeli side, just to seem free from bias?

Surviving family members, mourning at the losses of their loved ones.

Just wondering...

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