Thursday, May 8, 2008

Iraqis report capture of al Qaeda in Iraq leader

According to Iraqi officials, the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq was captured early Thursday in the northern city of Mosul. Intelligence officials said they were skeptical of the capture of Abu Ayyub al-Masri , even though Iraqi officials said al-Masri was already in U.S. military custody.

Leader of the Iraqi al Queda offshoot since June 2006 Iraqi officials have reported Al-Masri's , also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajer, death three times, his capture twice and a mortal wounding once.

The most recent report claims al-Masri's capture occurred during a late-night operation in Mosul.

Nineveh Gov. Duraid Kashmoula assures that Iraqi security forces are 100 percent certain of proper identification.

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