Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kiwis For Obama

If New Zealanders has a say, Barack Obama would be the 44th

In a press release
revealed on May 7, 2008, by UMR Research Ltd., Australasia's leading issues management research company, New Zealanders prefer Obama over Hillary Clinton, and both Democrats over Republican John McCain. According to the press release, 47 percent of New Zealanders are for Obama, 31 percent for Clinton, and 22 percent who offered no opinion. Following similar trends as in the United States, younger Kiwis are in favor of Obama, specifically those under 45 years of age. In addition, Maori and Pacific Island voters prefer Obama, while the blue collar voters prefer Clinton.

A liberal society itself, 62 percent of New Zealanders chose Obama compared to 14 percent for McCain, and 56 percent chose Clinton compared to 20 percent for McCain, with the release making special note that gender has nothing to do with the results.

On the brink of knowing who will represent the Democratic Party in the upcoming election, not only Americans are on edge wondering who will become our next president. Obama has New Zealand’s vote. Anyone know what candidate the country they researched would prefer?

A copy of the press release can be found here on Scoop, New Zealand's independent online source for covering politics: http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO0805/S00110.htm

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