Thursday, May 8, 2008

World Bank urges U.S. to pass Colombia trade deal

According to the World Bank, the United States Congress intends to pass the Colombian free trade agreement which will help the country strengthen and reform its economy. Passage of the agreement has been difficult because U.S. Democrats feel that Colombian President Uribe has not put forth ample force in deterring right-wing militias.

Current World Bank President, Robert Zoellick first began negotiating the trade deal in 2004 when he was U.S. Trade Representative and has released the following statement during a recent trip to Bogota:

"It's an agreement that would benefit both Colombia and the United States. It is important beyond trade because it is part of a series of reforms that support the overall agenda of Colombia, whether it be security, human rights issues and anti-narcotics efforts. It is part of a package supporting the success of Colombia."

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